Cursory Technologies™

Brisk - Qualitative Recruitment (Iken)

Emphasize our advanced AI and Gen AI technology-driven qualitative recruitment process.

 3M+ quality panelists

95%+ participation rate

Faster turnaround times

High-quality and reliable responses

30 mins to first participant match

Remote and In-person

Moderated and Unmoderated

B2B and B2C recruitment

150 + Countries

An all-in-one platform for finding participants

Find the exact respondents you need, from our deep panel of verified participants with unique perspectives.
  • Target participants by job title, industry, skills, demo-graphics and more.
  • Recruit for any research method, on any tool, anywhere in the world and be assured of quality participants.
  • Maximize the reach of your research study with referrals and boosts to fill your study fast, at an affordable price.

Automate scheduling

Sync calendars, video tools and more

Message participants

Direct messaging for further screening or follow-ups

Reduce no shows

Automated SMS & email reminders

Manage confidentiality

Ensure participants sign your NDA & receive instructions

Pay incentives

Brisk handles all payments on your behalf

Simplify Research Ops

Automate admin tasks like completion tracking & payouts

Maximize Reach

Need a niche audience? Our recruiters can help

Robust Data Security

SOC 2 and GDPR compliant to protect sensitive data

Find the right participants - target by...

Industry (B2B)

Pick from 140+ industry segments such as software or education.

Job Titles (B2B)

Filter by all relevant job titles your participants may hold.

Skills (B2B)

Find participants with specific certifications or skills in their profile.


Filter by city (US) or country. Recruit from cities in 21 target countries. Or recruit in any of 150+ countries, and refine via screener questions.

Demographics & Income

Refine targeting with attributes like age, ethnicity, education level, and household income.

Screener Surveys

Qualify applicants further with custom screener surveys. Use multi-select options, radio buttons, free-form text and skip logic to collect responses.

Launch Your First Project

  • Save with mixed methodology plans or pay as you go
  • Only pay for participants who complete your study
  • Recruit for any research methodology or tool

Panel Book

Download the Panel book to see the profile of the 3 million participants you can recruit. View breakdown by age, gender, income, country, job title and more.

How we recruit


Your targeting filters + our participant panel + our proprietary matching algorithm = a slate of great candidates for research.


Brisk incentivizes participants for referring other participants. This way, your project reaches far beyond just our 3M+ panel. 


Our recruitment team works on select projects with extremely niche requirements. Boost campaigns find participants where they hang out.